Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DraftFCB revisited

In recent news: 
Jonah Lehrer, author of "Imagine: How Creativity Works" visits DraftFCB (in London)

Although DraftFCB in South Africa did not get a chance to meet Jonah Lehrer, it further establishes the agency's work ethic and ideas surrounded by creativity. It gives you a chance to think of creativity different than every before and in a sense gives you an idea of what outstanding agencies, like DraftFCB, do to stay at the top. This short clip is worth watching as it gives a whole new insight on what creativity is! I actually want to read the book now! 

My favorites by DraftFCB: 

Choko La Business cards 
DraftFCB wanted to take the "what you do defines you" route as they created this candy wrapper business card. Its fun, creative, and even gives the receiver a yummy treat! 

Miller Lite Carry-All Commercial: 

This is a commercial that anyone who lives in the state of Wisconsin has definitely seen as it is the home of Miller Lite beer. When I first saw this I loved it, now that I know DraftFCB created it I love it even more! 

KY Lubricant Commercial - Buenos Aires: 
Although this would commercial would never "fly" in America for various reasons, it provides the vast amounts of skill DraftFCB has as its advertising stays attune to varying cultures. This commercial compared to the one above (an American ad) are drastically different. If allowed in America, this commercial may be funny and loved, but it is still clearly targeted toward individuals in a country such as Buenos Aires whose culture would get more out of this than does ours. 

-Julie Jensen 


  1. I liked this blog post as it really gave a good display of what DraftFCB is capable of, but I would have liked a bit more or your own opinion and analysis about each work. The Choko La Business cards were really cool though, definitely thinking outside of the box!

  2. I obviously previously commented on the first post about DraftFCB, but the second post makes me more interested in this agency. The Chokok La business cards are incredible. They made it sort of into an art piece that is only completely successful with the involvement of the recipient or viewer.
